Elisabeth Tracy Missing: Pregnant Mother and Four Children Vanish Without a Trace

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Elisabeth Tracy Missing: Pregnant Mother and Four Children Vanish Without a Trace

A family of five from Layton, Utah has sparked a statewide hunt after they went missing on July 19, 2023.

Elisabeth Tracy, 35, and her four young children, ages 1, 3, 7, and 9, were last seen leaving their home in a white 2013 Dodge Journey with the Utah license plate V70 0JW.

Elisabeth is also six months pregnant with her fifth child.

What Happened to the Tracy Family?

According to the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office, the Tracy family was last seen on security footage at 1:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 19, heading southbound from Layton.

Elisabeth allegedly packed essential supplies and medication before leaving but did not notify anyone of her departure.

Authorities have tried to contact her husband, but have not received a response yet2.

The family’s disappearance has caused shock and concern among their relatives and friends. Elisabeth’s sister took to Facebook to express her worry and ask for help in finding her sister and the children.

She said that Elisabeth has been married since 2009 and attended Weber State University.

How Are the Authorities Searching for the Missing Family?

The Layton Police Department has launched a search and rescue operation to locate the missing family.

They have used search dogs, drones, and human teams to scour the area where they were last seen.

They have also released photos of Elisabeth and the vehicle they were driving to the public.

However, so far, no significant leads have been discovered.

The police are concerned for the safety and well-being of Elisabeth and her children, especially since she is pregnant.

They are asking anyone with any information regarding their whereabouts to contact them at 801-497-8300 and reference case number 23-187611.

Why Did Elisabeth Tracy Leave Her Home?

The motive behind Elisabeth’s sudden departure is still unclear.

Authorities have not ruled out the possibility that she left under her own will, but they are also investigating other scenarios that could explain her disappearance.

Some of the questions that remain unanswered are:

  • Where was she planning to go?
  • Why did she not tell anyone where she was going?
  • Was she under any stress or pressure?
  • Did she have any conflicts or issues with her husband or anyone else?
  • Was she involved in any illegal or dangerous activities?
  • Until these questions are answered, the mystery of Elisabeth Tracy’s missing case will continue to haunt her family and the community.


    1: Family of 5 goes missing, last seen in Layton – ABC4 Utah

    2: Elisabeth Tracy Missing: Family Of Five Sparks A Statewide Hunt – Vizaca

    3: Missing Elizabeth Tracy and Her Four Children Update

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