Ammika Harris Posts New Photos Of Baby Boy Aeko And Fans Say Hes Twinning With Chris Brown

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Friday, September 6, 2024

Ammika Harris is making her fans and followers happy by posting a new pic of her baby boy, Aeko. Check out the pic below.

Someone said: ‘He’s literally the perfect mix of you and Chris 😭😍’ and a commenter posted this: ‘To the strongest mamma stay strong and take care of aeko baby…love from India strong girl ❤️’

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One fan posted: ‘Oh my gosh the hair he is so cute😭’ and a follower said: ‘He’s gonna be two soon 🥺 he’s so cute.’

A fan posted this message: ‘Awnnn oh my daze see how cute he is❤️❤️aeko so fine.’

Someone else said: ‘Omg he looks like he’s 16 already😩❤️lol.’ More people were mesmerized by how much he looks like Chris Brown and they made sure to tell this to Ammika.

Speaking of Chris Brown, he has been reportedly hit with a lawsuit. Check out the latest reports coming from The Shade Room.

‘It seems like Chris Brown just cannot catch a break with these lawsuits! Just last week, Chris was hit with a suit from a young women alleging he slapped her weave off and just a few days later, Chris’ housekeeper filed a suit alleging she was mauled by his dog. New documents reveal Breezy is now being sued for his 2017 hit, ‘Privacy’, TSR notes.

TSR said that according to legal documents obtained by Music Business Worldwide, Greensleeves Publishing Ltd is suing Chris Brown and Sony Music Entertainment for sampling Red Rat’s 1997 dancehall song ‘Tight Up Skirt’ without permission.


It’s been also revealed that the publishing company claims Chris ‘took the core musical feature’ of the song and ‘used it prominently’ in ‘Privacy’ without permission.
